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A Documented Series: Define Success - 5

Writer's picture: Tasha VongTasha Vong

It has certainly been a while, throughout the past few weeks I've been working and continuing with my studies. As an update, today I completed my driver's test and I passed! The next hurdle after purchasing a car will be freeways... haha... oh boy... This week was a break week and it was a nice change of pace. I had both work and a secret video shoot for my workplace.

It was fun, warm and good for my brain to focus on other things. I was able to get back into writing, a new series mind you, and play around with some idea generators when I got stuck. For some moments I felt like I was almost my old self again. Finally, after a year I get to see my long-time friends again, I hope to write about our trip, but it's still in the planning stages (edit: it was amazing! I went on the highway by accident :D)

I have been progressing slowly in my journey called life, trying my best to stay true and accomplish good. I have minimised my wardrobe as I think if you plan to buy something you should probably get rid of stuff.

I'm starting to work on my first publication, a slice-of-life romance comedy story! So far I am at page 14, using a KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing) template for a 5.5 x 8.5-inch book. I want to publish a hardcover, so I need more pages. Then again, I'm usually used to working off a Word or Google Doc and copying and pasting my manuscript into the template.

I want to conduct real research to make my story authentic. I am writing characters who are in their late twenties to early thirties and as much as I could wait, why not just ask individuals that age what life is like? As well, learning how people navigate their life problems and relationships is intriguing because of the various dynamics I could portray in my book. There are a few classic troupes, currently, I have my characters as soulmates but for a realistic story I want to portray real relationship conflicts.

As a girl with minimal life experience, I plan to ask people and reference their issues. However, my couple are married and pretty amicable. I don't want to have any toxicity as my book isn't about that kind of dynamic, the focus is mainly on external barriers that they have to navigate together. Internally my female character is a self-deprecating and anxious bean, she goes through her journey of treating her anxiety and learning to let go as she has a bit of a dependency on her husband. Speaking of the man, he reaches his breaking point at the midpoint, leading to what I hope can be the biggest conflict the couple must go through.

Still a work in progress, but perhaps I'll share a sample... one day.


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